Sunday, January 6, 2013

My Baby is 3!

Gavy's wake-up picture on his bday:)
We celebrated Gavy's 3rd Birthday yesterday... well, mostly. His birthday party will be next weekend with family and a few friends. Gavy being 3 years old is both exciting and sad all at the same time.  (I guess I could have just written bittersweet, huh?)

When I asked Gavy if he knew what day it was, he said no. When I told him it was his birthday, he replied: "Are you SERIOUS?!?"

Singing "Happy Birthday" to Mr. 3yr Old:)

To celebrate, I took him and Lynk to Sea Life in Grapevine. Merly, Adam, and Kinzi joined us, too. Buck is working out in West Texas still, so he wasn't able to join us this time. (boooo) Kids had a blast! Gavyn truly doesn't know a stranger. He began walking around with a little girl about his age and telling her all about the "square-ium" fish. She hung on every word he said. Simply adorable.

Gavy on the floor looking at fish in the tunnel... he started a trend with the other kids and they all began crawling on the floor:)

Notice little girls on the ground in the background of this pic... I told you Gavy had all the little kids following him!

On the way home from the aquarium, we were listening to XM radio. Sir Mix-A-Lot's "I Like Big Butts" came on the radio. Of course I'm jammin' because it takes me back to like middle school... then I hear Lynk in the back-seat say without a beat: "Healthy butts?!? Big butts?!? Is this appropriate, Mama?... I DON'T THINK SO!" His tone reminded me of Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone. So, needless to say, I had to let go of the past and settle on a different song. This role-model thing sucks sometimes!

Both boys are becoming such sponges... they always have been, but it's truly showing as they get older. I hear myself and Buck in them all the time. Especially when they don't know we're listening. Sitting outside their playroom is an interesting form of entertainment. They're always playing school or house with each other... it's normal to hear any of the following from the boys: "come here before I have to count... 1, 2... thank you"... "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit"..."clean up, clean up, everybody do your share"..."you have to listen if you want (insert reward)" which goes hand in hand with "ok, you don't get (insert reward) since you aren't listening."

Oh, the joys of raising 2 boys:) 

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